
In the Modern Manner / Marco Bazzini, 2010-2019

…e il pulviscolo atmosferico / Interview by Daniela Bigi (Italian), 2011

A journey around / Diletta Borromeo, 1999

What is Base / Lorenzo Bruni, 2019

The End of the New | La fine del nuovo / Lorenzo Bruni, 2016

Paesaggi | Landscapes / Lorenzo Bruni, 2013

Punto di vista fisico | Physical Point of View / Lorenzo Bruni, 2009

Transparency and Opacity / Saretto Cincinelli, 2008

Observatorium / Saretto Cincinelli, 2004

Vorläufige Monochrome / Saretto Cincinelli, 2001

Parisi Language / Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, 2019

Observatorium – Against the Flow / Helmut Friedel, 2006

Cancellation / Pietro Gaglianò, 2005

Unitè d’habitation (Platform) / Matteo Innocenti, 2016

Thou Shalt Not Be Found out / Giovanni Iovane, 2006

Leggerezza. Un’idea dell’arte italiana contemporanea / Giovanni Iovane, 2001

Conservatory (San sebastiano) / Giovanni Iovane, 2005

The home of the image / Giovanni Iovane, 1999

Letter to Paolo Parisi on Sicily, Architecture and Art (in three stages) / Salvatore Lacagnina, 2007

Critical, Public, Political. The (Contemporary) Space Of The Museum / Helga Marsala, 2019

Le stanze d’Aragona / Helga Marsala, 2016

Observatorium (Museum) / Stefano Pezzato, 2008

M U S E O / Sergio Risaliti, 2019 

The Dual Discipline of the Observer / Sergio Risaliti, 2006

How to do things with words. The MUSEUM of Paolo Parisi / Stefania Rispoli, 2019

The Text is a Test. Language, word, reading in contemporary art / Marco Senaldi, 2019