“Il problema della condivisione dello spazio disponibile in architettura e rispetto al colore della pittura. …e il pulviscolo atmosferico (Sinfonia)” | The problem of Sharing the Available Space compared to the Color of the Painting. …and the Atmospheric Dust | 2010
A4 samples of 12 shades from a RAL tinte, “Lachea” sitting system, plexiglas plates. “Alla Maniera d’oggi. Base a Firenze”, Chiostro dello Scalzo, Firenze.
Courtesy Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato. Photo: Cantini.
In his project for the Chiostro dello Scalzo Paolo Parisi creates a new work inspired by a reflection on modernism and on twentieth century painting; this can be seen in his interpretation and elaboration of a synthesis between painting, sculpture and architecture by adding a fourth art: music. Parisi creates an installation that occupies the whole cloister space which is completely filled with the intensity of the color red-violet; this is achieved by the light filtered through colored Plexiglas. In this setting past and present are magnificently brought together. Celebrated for their realization in monochrome, Andrea del Sarto’s frescoes are now colored by a contemporary light. On the opening day 12 professional musicians performed a “chromatic symphony” composed of sound modulations and chosen musical pieces describing tonalities ranging from red to violet, the ideal limits within which a human eye is able to perceive all colors. The intention was to evoke all potential possibilities of chromatic tonalities that painting can obtain. The visitor is welcomed by the scene that hosted an event.