Casa dell’arte (Verde Cadmio e Magenta) / 2003
Classic Color Names (Greens) / 2007-2013
Commonplace (Unité d’habitation) / 2011
Conservatory (San Sebastiano) / 2004
Drops (Between Red and Violet / Night and Day) / 2005
Observatorium + Blu.Tally / 2011
Observatorium (Gegen den Strom) / 2006
Observatorium (Unité d’habitation) / 2011
Territori di confine (Bibliografia) / 2003
The Plants Breath That Produces Sky (Blues), 2021/22
The weather was mild on the day of my departure / 2018
The whole world in a detail / 2017-18
The Whole World in a Detail (Fabric) / 2020
Unité d’habitation / 2010-2016
Unitè d’habitation (Platform) / 2017